TuvaluOversight BodyTuvalu Fisheries DepartmentRegistry ClosedILO ConventionsRatified MLC in 2012SOLAS Ratified SOLAS in 1980TopicsFishing Offenses & Infractions1 lawLabor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions3 lawsObservers1 lawTransshipment2 lawsVessel Ownership & Legal Responsibility2 lawsVessel Registration & License Management4 lawsVessel Tracking3 lawsLawsFisheries (Vessel Monitoring System) Regulations 2008 Revised Edition (Cap. 48.20.3)Vessel Registration & License ManagementVessel TrackingFishing Crew Regulation 2020Labor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsVessel Registration & License ManagementLabour and Employment Relations Act 2017Labor Rules, Offenses, & InfractionsMarine Resources (Amendment) Act No. 21 of 2017TransshipmentVessel Registration & License ManagementVessel TrackingMarine Resources ActFishing Offenses & InfractionsObserversTransshipmentVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityVessel Registration & License ManagementVessel TrackingMerchant Shipping (Registration) RegulationsVessel Ownership & Legal ResponsibilityMerchant Shipping Act 1987Labor Rules, Offenses, & Infractions