Marine Resources Act
Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?
Article 9A
(1) The Minister may take measures in accordance with this Act for the conservation and management of fish in the fishery waters. Such measures shall be based on a precautionary approach consistent with national and international standards applicable in Tuvalu, and may include, inter alia: (a) protection of artisanal fisheries, after consultation with the relevant Falekaupule; (b) designating open or closed seasons for any area of the fishery waters, and any species of fish or any period of time or all times; (c) designating prohibited fishing areas for all fish or certain species of fish or certain methods of fishing; (d) prohibiting the taking of fish, from any area, that are less or greater than a specified size or dimension; (e) prohibiting or limiting the taking of fish, from any area, by a specified — (i) method, gear, equipment or instrument; (ii) class of persons; and (iii) class of vessels; (f) limiting the amount, size, or weight of fish or any species of fish which may be caught or sold; (g) prohibiting the disturbance or interference with the breeding or nesting area of any fish in a specified area during any specified period of time; (h) specifying minimum mesh sizes for fishing nets; (i) declaring that any specified area is a protected area as a: (i) marine park; (ii) marine reserve; or (iii) site of special scientific or historic interest. (2) Where the management of any fishery falls within the area of authority of a Falekaupule, in accordance with section 4(2) of the Falekaupule Act,[6] the Minister shall ensure that consultations are carried out with the appropriate Falekaupule in determining management measures under subsection (1). (3) For purposes of conservation, management and sustainable use of the fishery resources, any management measures taken pursuant to subsection (1) shall prevail over any other inconsistent measures taken by a Falekaupule in the same area. (4) Any measures, which are taken pursuant to subsection (1) shall be in writing or made by Order or promulgated in regulations, as the Minister sees fit. (5) When measures are taken pursuant to this section, reasonable opportunity for public notice of such measures shall be given as the Minister sees fit. (6) Unless otherwise provided under this Act, any person who does not comply with measures taken in accordance with this section shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
Article 35
(1) No person may use a Tuvalu fishing vessel for fishing or related activities: (c) in an area subject to international conservation and management measures except in accordance with those matters.