Fishing Offenses & Infractions

Deep Sea Fisheries Management Act

Deep Sea Fisheries Management and Development Regulations, 2021

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 9

    (1) The operator of any fishing vessel in the Exclusive Economic Zone or Tanzanian fishing vessel in any area beyond national jurisdiction or that is within the area of competence of a relevant RFMO shall not intentionally cause or allow a purse seine net to be set around any protected, threatened or endangered cetacean or whale shark if it is sighted prior to the commencement of the set. (2) Where any cetacean or whale shark is unintentionally encircled in a purse seine net, the operator referred to in sub regulation (1) shall- (a) take all reasonable steps to ensure the safe release of any cetacean or whale shark, while taking into consideration the safety of the crew, in accordance with best practice guidelines for the safe release and handling of cetacean or whale shark developed by the subsidiary scientific body of a Scientific Committee of a relevant RFMO; and (b) report the incident to the Director General with the following information- (i) in respect of a cetacean, the species if known; (ii) the number of individuals; (iii) a short description of the interaction, including details of how and why the interaction occurred, if possible; (iv) the location of the encirclement; (v) the steps taken to ensure safe release; and (vi) an assessment of the life status of the animal on release, including whether the cetacean or whale shark was released alive but subsequently died. (3) An operator who uses gear types other than purse seiners for fishing tuna and tuna-like species associated with cetacean or whale shark shall report all interactions with cetacean or whale shark to the Director General. (4) The report under sub regulation (3) shall include information as provided under subregulation (2)(b)(i) to–(vi).

Fisheries Act 2003

Does this country's legislation require compliance with "international conservation and management measures" adopted by an RFMO in which it is a member?

  • Article 17

    The Minister shall by notice published in the Gazette impose conditions that are necessary for the proper management of fisheries which are- (q) establishing effective mechanism for fisheries monitoring, surveillance control and enforcement, to ensure compliance with conservation and management measure as well as those adopted by regional or sub regional organizations or arrangements;

Fisheries Regulations, 2009

Does the law/regulation contain any provisions prohibiting the targeting of marine mammals?

  • Article 67

    (1) -A person shall not fish, possess, process, offer for sale, market or export marine and fresh water species, any part or any product of the species recognised as being globally or regionally endangered as listed in the Third Schedule. (2) A person shall not fish, possess, process, offer for sale or market marine turtles, dugong, whale sharks, dolphins or any marine species recognized globally or regionally as endangered species listed in the Third Schedule. (3) A person shall not purposely disturb or destroy the feeding, breeding or nesting ground of marine turtles, dugong, whale shark, dolphins or any other freshwater and marine fish species recognised globally or regionally as endangered listed in the Third Schedule. (4) Any person who accidentally captures live marine turtles, dugong, whale shark, dolphins or any other freshwater and marine fish species listed in the Third Schedule recognised globally or regionally as endangered, shall immediately return the animal to the sea, and shall maintain a logbook of all such captures and report the same to a district or any fisheries office.