Shandong Nabaixian Seafood



    July 29, 2024
    1 inquiry
    0 replies

    Email sent to the contact address for Shandong Nabaixian.

    The email said: "As part of our ongoing investigation of global seafood, we have questions for your company arising from research we conducted about a certain plant that was recently formed.

    We’ve received information from a source in China that this company named Shandong Nabaixian is either the same plant as one previously called Rongcheng Haibo, or is very closely affiliated with Rongcheng Haibo. The source has had direct dealings with Shandong Nabaixian. We also checked various trade and company databases and found that this company called Shandong Nabaixian was created in October 2023 and that it was listed in a Chinese business directory with the same email address and phone number that appeared in Haibo’s listing. Import records show that the U.S. seafood company Ruggiero was the consignee for dozens of shipments of seafood from Shandong Nabaixian since December 2023.

    We have the following questions for Shandong Nabaixian:

    1. Can you explain what the relationship is between Shandong Nabaixian and Rongcheng Haibo?
    2. Can you indicate what seafood Shandong Nabaixian produces and who it ships to in the U.S. and Europe?
    3. Records also indicate that this plant is owned by Chishan Group. Is that correct?

    Please let us know your responses to the above questions by close of business on August 2, 2024, noting that all interactions remain on record."

    Future correspondence will be added here as this conversation continues.