Jilin Jinuo Human Resources

    Summary of Crimes & Concerns

    • North Korean Labor


    January 2 - February 7, 2024
    2 inquiries
    0 replies

    Email sent to two contact addresses for Jilin Jinuo Human Resources.

    The email said: "We have found messages posted online by Jilin Jinuo Human Resources (吉林省吉诺人力资源有限公司) in 2021 saying that the company has a large number of North Korean workers available for hire by companies in China. The use of overseas North Korean workers was prohibited by the United Nations Security Council in 2017, with Resolution 2397 setting a deadline of December 2019 for the repatriation of all such workers to North Korea. Furthermore, under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), passed in 2017, the U.S. prohibits the import of any goods produced by North Korean nationals unless clear and convincing evidence is provided that indicates the materials were not made with forced labor. Can you confirm or deny if Jilin Jinuo Human Resources is currently providing any North Korean workers to companies in China? Has Jilin Jinuo Human Resources provided any North Korean workers to seafood companies in China since August 2017? Does Jilin Jinuo Human Resources have any statement or comment to make in response to this email?"

    The Outlaw Ocean Project emailed: "As we haven't heard back from you on this, we wanted to check if you had any comment or statement to make at this time?"

    Future correspondence will be added here as this conversation continues.